

Cirkels 150 150 Daisy Baets

The previous Circle Workshop was an intensive experience in which…

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Cirkeldagworkshop 150 150 Daisy Baets

De workshop cirkelwerk in boerderij de Welenhoeck was zalig. We…

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Cirkeldagworkshop Alex

Cirkeldagworkshop Alex 150 150 Daisy Baets

went to the workshop and ive learned so much about…

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Kathleen Cirkelworkshop

Kathleen Cirkelworkshop 150 150 Daisy Baets

Cirkelen, ik had dit nog nooit gedaan en vondt het…

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Recensie ELW weekend – Mieke

Recensie ELW weekend – Mieke 150 150 Daisy Baets

Daisy straalt zachtheid, volharding, vertrouwen en liefde uit. Wat Daisy…

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